Friday, March 6, 2015

Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse stamped with MPolish

I have a new polish from Doctor Lacquer to show you today!  I preordered the Something Spatial: Stars collection, as well as two beauties from Something Spatial: Galaxies collection.  Both sets are thermals and so far they are breathtaking.  Read on for more pics and info!

Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse stamped with MPolish

I started the night off right, with a bottle of Angry Orchard Cinnful Apple.  This was my first experience with Cinnful Apple, which several people suggested for me to try.  Yum.  I was not disappointed.


L-R: OPI Nail Envy, Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse, MPolish Snowberry, MPolish Apricot Delight, KBShimmer Clearly On Top

I was so excited to receive my preorder of these Doctor Lacquer polishes in the mail.  They have since been released, but I just couldn't wait to get my last mani off and use these thermals.

Meet: Betelgeuse!

One coat of Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse

This is a tri-color flakies thermal, woah!  Really neat and like nothing I've seen yet out there.  Oh yeah, these are also my first thermals in my collection!  I've been iffy about taking the jump into thermals since they have a short shelf-life, but I just couldn't pass up these beauties.

Betelgeuse starts out as a medium pink in the bottle and on the nail, but then shifts to a light rosy pink when warm, and a dark brick red when cold.  It has beautiful golden flakies that catch the light and dance on your nails, especially when topcoated.  The polish dries quickly and has a satin finish when completely dry.  You can topcoat and it doesn't affect the thermal effect.  Betelgeuse was hard to control, and I ended up flooding pretty much every cuticle when putting it on.  It was a learning curve for me, but it cleaned up nicely so I wasn't put off by that.

Two coats of Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse

I used three coats for full opacity.  I could have stuck with two coats, and in the future I will when I use this polish again.  When I topped it with KBShimmer Clearly On Top, those flakies showed their shimmery magic.

Three coats of Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse with topcoat
From the first application, Betelgeuse started to shift colors.  It didn't require much to change.  You can see the subtle change between the three colors in the picture below.

Cold to warm transition of Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse thermal polish
I wanted to do some stamping over Betelgeuse, so I paired it with MPolish Apricot Delight for my ring finger, and Snowberry for the rest.  I think I should have used smaller images since it really took away from the color changes in Betelgeuse once they were stamped.  I did leave my thumb unstamped just to be able to admire Betelgeuse, lol.

Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse stamped with MPolish

I stamped with MoYou London Explorer plate 22.  I really enjoy this plate.  There are so many images to choose from and they all leave you with a cohesive mani no matter what combination you choose.  The images are also etched beautifully so I have no trouble picking up images from this plate.

Below you can see the color changes and how they differ from cold to hot.  My middle two fingers in the picture below depict how red Betelgeuse shifts when under icy cold water, and my index and pinky fingers show a medium state of warmth.  In the picture under that you can see how rosy the polish becomes when put in hot water.

Index and Pinky are in the semi-warm state, middle two fingers are the icy cold state

Completely warm state of Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse thermal polish

Here are a few macros of my stamping with MPolish and the golden shimmer in Betelgeuse.

Macro of MPolish Apricot Delight stamped over Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse

Macro of MPolish Snowberry stamped over Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse

Macro of Doctor Lacquer Betelgeuse (showing golden flakies)

Do you own any thermals?  If so, what is your favorite thermal polish?
Nothing to disclose


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! <3

  2. I don't own any thermals yet, and I've never seen one that shifts to three different colors! So cool!

    1. Doctor Lacquer is a great place to start if you're interested in adding any thermals to your collection! ;-) They have warm-sensitive thermals, which change much easier than cold-sensitive ones. =)

  3. Beautiful exotic party on your nails!!!

  4. Gorgeous! I love the ring stamping best. I have one thermal, but it got stuck in the post office for 4 months during a postal strike and by the time I got it it wasn't thermal anymore :(

    1. Thank you! Awww, that's sad! Hopefully it's a beautiful color at least!

  5. Wow I really love that MoYou plate! Loved your mani too. I only have a few thermals and will have to check these out!

    1. Thank you, Amanda! I know, I love that plate so much too. =)

  6. Very pretty! For thermals, I just buy them if I like the base color because that is where it will end up when the thermal pigments expire. I've been meaning to pick up some of the Doctor Lacquer Spatial polishes

    1. Thank you! I have a couple of polishes from their earlier Something Spatial collections (multi chromes and flakies, non-thermals) and they are all winners!

  7. I love the pattern of the stamp, I have very few thermals so I could justify picking up a few.

    1. Thank you, Petra! I am definitely enjoying the images on the Pueen buffet set.

  8. I dont own any thermals, i feel like my short little nubs wouldnt allow me to enjoy them as much, because i love seeing the two colors at once. your mani is super pretty and i love angry orchard lol!

    1. Lol, Angry Orchard is pretty delicious! I felt that way too about thermals (I had avoided cutting my nails down because I really wanted to see the color differences in these!). But I felt like if I liked both colors enough, it was worth getting them. =)

  9. I love this whole look! My favorite thermal is Hula Hair from Dazzle Glaze, it's a bright yellow to orange thermal with holo sparkle. So pretty.

    1. Oooo, that polish sounds beautiful! Thank you, Amy!

  10. Ooo pretty, I like your macros. I LOVE thermals. My fav Is probably Earth Angel from Dazzle Glaze

    1. Thank you, Manna!! =) Second vote for a Dazzle Glaze! I'll have to check them out!

  11. First off that Angry Orchard sounds delicious and second off that Doctor Lacquer!! WHOA!!!!! I'm a sucker for thermals and this one is a beauty!!!

    1. Hehe, it was pretty delicious. And I KNOW!! ;-) Thank you, Dani!

  12. I just got Betelgeuse, it's a gorgeous polish.:) I saw on your IG you also ordered Milky Way, isn't that one amazing?!

    1. I've said a few times that Milky Way is my new favorite polish, OH MY GOSH!! I can't wait to see Betelgeuse on you! =)

    2. They are both awesome! I still have to wear Betelgeuse. :)

  13. I do own thermals, but only one was purchased - the rest were press samples, since I don't really prefer them :) I do love the new doctor lacquer ones though - totally stunning!!! I love your color choices for the stamping too :)

  14. I love thermals. They are so fun and this pink is gorgeous!!

    1. I just love the golden flakes in it, it is so pretty!

  15. Replies
    1. It's by far my favorite MoYou London plate!

  16. I'm a huge fan of thermals and have been dying to try these from Doctor Lacquer. The combo looks gorgeous.

    1. You will not be disappointed if you try these Doctor Lacquers. They are amazing! Thank you!

  17. How lovely! I really need to get my hands on some thermals...



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