Tuesday, August 5, 2014

So... this is a blog, eh?

Kind of intimidating if you ask me.  Lol.  I've never blogged before, but I've seen and followed bloggers, I just never realized how they put this all together!  Honestly, I'm not really sure how this is going to come out, but...  Anyway, I'm rambling...

Welcome to my blog!  You love nail polish?  I love nail polish!  And nail art, and all things manis!  I will share my nail journeys with you, mostly as a creative outlet for myself since I use IG and feel like I always write a book when I post, and lesbihonest...  ain't no one got time for reading books on IG.

So, expect lots of snark, some Pitch Perfect quotes (with a bit of Friend's sprinkled in), loads of (hopefully) fun manis, and a whole lotta honesty here.  I think you'll have a good time.


  1. Congrats on the blog! (This is Princesa_Luna from BHB by the way). I recommend a Google followers button plus a Bloglovin button too, so we can follow you.

    1. Thank you! I know it's you, I'm already following your blog! ;-) So, please, help! How do I add those buttons? I added a couple of things, but haven't really had a chance to find everything yet. How do I link Instagram too? =)

  2. Aw thanks for following me! I will get back to you on those questions as soon as Squish is down for his nap. It can be a pain to figure out, it took me days. For Instagram...do you mean how to add a follow on instagram button or how to display your instagram feed on the side bar of the blog?

  3. Ok so to add the Google Followers button, go to the Layout page, click on add a gadget, in the pop up that opens up click on "more gadgets" and scroll down the list to the bottom where you'll find a "Followers" gadget by Blogger. Click it to install. For Bloglovin, you need to make an account and then "claim your blog", follow the steps and they will also ask if you want to add a followers/bloglovin button to your blog. Get the html code and go back to Layout page, add a gadget, select "html/java script" and paste the code.

    1. Thank you so, so much!!!!! Still so new to blogging, trying to figure this stuff out one step at a time. So thank you so much for your feedback and advice! Regarding IG, either one would be great. Either a "Follow My IG" button or displaying my IG feed on the sidebar would be great.



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